Defining Your Path to Power

Realize your POWER.

Power is not all about titles or the corner office. It’s about your mindset-- knowing that you have clarity on what you want and the freedom to explore and offer your unique contribution to the world. It all begins with clarity. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to become an executive. Or maybe you want to be a parent. Whatever it is, we must not be apologetic about it -- instead, we must claim it with confidence.  

Our experiences as women of color are rich and chalked full of perspective—it is time that we recognize that our perspective is unique and valuable, please know there is no one like you. In each and every space that we join, we bring with us our experiences, education, and expertise. So lean into it.

I remember a time when I joined rooms and no one looked like me and I felt the pressure to assimilate. Over time, I learned that I was limiting my own personal and professional growth by not being authentic to who I was in those spaces and taking time to gain clarity on what I truly wanted.

Be clear, be confident, and don’t overthink because each experience is a learning opportunity that teaches us something about who we are and what we are supposed to contribute to this world. Are you ready to be uniquely you?


Freedom — Today, and Everyday